My mom was able to get tickets to the circus for a cheaper price (homeschooling does have it's advantages ;) and we had lots of fun. I brought a friend and a couple other families we know came too. Sorry most of the pictures are blurry (as I type this Sam is standing over my shoulder telling me which ones I should delete and which ones are really blurry) but the lighting there was weird and even with my flash on some of them came out fuzzy. I will {try} not to overwhelm you with pictures ;)
Oh and did I mention Benjamin had an allergic reaction to pollen and broke out in hives? And had a double ear infection? No? Oh, well.
This is probably my favorite picture :)
These people were on a wire right above us. No worries right?
Luckily these people were on the other side of the room ;)
The half man half woman. When we got home and Sam saw the picture, he confirmed that it was actually a man :D
This was probably the most boring uninterested part of the whole circus