Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a really fun Easter this year. This has got to be my favorite holiday. On Saturday, we went to an Easter egg hunt at our church and Hannah and I helped with the little kids. After church on Sunday, we went to a steakhouse to eat lunch and then went home and took lots of pictures. Here's our Easter pictures:

Easter Morning

Our Easter Garden



Ellen said...

Emma, I looooove your dress! It is sooooooo cute! The boys are so sweet. I like the picture where they are on their knees. It reminds me of when Al and Ethan were younger. You and Hannah look so pretty!

Emily Joy said...

Hi Emma! I'm glad you all had a good Easter! I really like your garden. It's SO cool!

~Emily Joy

Emily Joy said...

Thanks for leaving a comment! Sure, I don't mind if you put me on your sidebar!

Oh, and I saw you took one of my scripture tags. Thanks!

~Emily Joy