Friday, April 16, 2010


My mom was able to get tickets to the circus for a cheaper price (homeschooling does have it's advantages ;) and we had lots of fun. I brought a friend and a couple other families we know came too. Sorry most of the pictures are blurry (as I type this Sam is standing over my shoulder telling me which ones I should delete and which ones are really blurry) but the lighting there was weird and even with my flash on some of them came out fuzzy. I will {try} not to overwhelm you with pictures ;)

Oh and did I mention Benjamin had an allergic reaction to pollen and broke out in hives? And had a double ear infection? No? Oh, well.

This is probably my favorite picture :)

On the way home :)

These people were on a wire right above us. No worries right?

Luckily these people were on the other side of the room ;)

The half man half woman. When we got home and Sam saw the picture, he confirmed that it was actually a man :D

Nano the midget :)

This was probably the most boring uninterested part of the whole circus

Nano and the ringmaster

These last five were taken before the show. We got there early enough to go to the floor and see the clowns and take pics with them.

Me and my friend Riley :)

Benjamin didn't exactly like the clowns ;)

Me and Emily <3


Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! We went to the circus once, but it was a long time ago, I barely remember anything. I love elephants! I hope you had fun!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun, so glad you got to experience the Circus (upclose & personal). And thanks for the pictures - really, really good!!! love you, gigi

Anonymous said...

Hey, I tagged you on my blog.

Faith said...

Hi! I awarded you beautiful blogger on my blog! you should check it out!


Michaela said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I love your blog and blog design. It is so cute! That is so cool that you used to live in Texas. I love Texas and am a southern girl. :) I would love to get to know you too! Would you mind if I added your blog to my blog list? God bless.

Michaela said...


Thank you! Your siblings are so cute too! I would love it if you added my blog to your blog list. God bless!